Sunday, February 8, 2009

Counting Stitches

Ok. So I'm making this blanket for my nephew. I'm not following a pattern is simple singles, half double, doubles , triples and popcorn stitches. But I didn't count my stitches so my blanket is about 2 inches wider in the middle then at the bottom and top. I tried to make it make sense by decreasing stitches once I noticed that was getting too wide.

Lesson Learned: Count your stitches!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I have been crocheting. I have several more granny squares and I am working on a blanket for my new nephew. I just haven't had time to upload the pictures yet. I will do so soon. 
On other news I am getting a ton of books delivered to me. I you would like to read my reviews go to Worth Reading It?