Friday, September 28, 2012

The Hannah Hat

I was just doing a random search on Ravelry when I came across the pattern Hannah's Hat. It look to cute to pass up. With the pattern only consisting of knit and purl stitches I figured I would give it a try. So this is how things went.

9/25/2012 this may be the first knit project I complete.

*absolute beginning knitter tip read below
I had to start over last night. This is the first ribbing I ever done and I didn't understand knit the knits purl the purl so i was doing

k p k p k p
k p k p k p 2row should have been doing the following
p k p k p k 2row

I didn't know that when you turn the work to the other side the purls are knits and the knits are purls.

9/26/2012 finished... I made a few mistakes but I like it.

Once I got it right it took maybe 2 or 3 hours.

Venita Morgan
My first knitted hat!!! I'm making another one soon. Very happy with it.