Saturday, April 11, 2015

Know what you are good at

In the last post we talked about knowing you don't want to do. In this one we are going to talk about knowing what we are good at. I am good at learning many things creative things. A lot of times that means I get overwhelmed and end up doing nothing because I have so much I want to do. So one of the things that I am good at is making list. A thing I am not good at is sticking to them. So that is something I have to make sure to be diligent about as the success of this blog and my business depends on it. I working on  a series of lists even a list of lists I need to make. LOL.

Some of the lists include:
A list of lists I need to make (which this is)
A list of things that need to go in a business plan
A list of office supplies
A list of tools
A list of products needed
A list of how to price
A list of online shops I would like to sell from

I think you get the point. For me, the more lists I have to work with the better. I can always consolidate the lists. For now, these lists are being used not organize myself and to motivate me to get going. This is my step number one. So I am off to start on my list. Til next time...may the stitch be with you..

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